Raspberry Jam & Jellies
Mrs. Lewis Dougherty's Raspberry Jam
To every pound of fruit allow three-fourths of a pound of granulated sugar, and to every three or four pounds of berries add a pint of currant juice, while the fruit is cooking. Put the sugar in the oven and heat until you can’t bear your finger in it. Stir quite often to keep from burning; stir the fruit also. Turn the sugar into it and stir rapidly for fifteen minutes; let it stand off the fire a little while and then stir again till nearly cold. Put into air-tight jars and keep in a light, airy closet.

Mrs. Lewis Dougherty's Tips for Jellies

In making jellies, the fruit juice should always be cooked a few minutes before adding the sugar.
Then, if the sugar be previously heated hot and thrown in while the juice is boiling, a very little cooking suffices to finish the jelly.

The most delicious jelly can be made of fruit skins and cores, such as are usually thrown away. There is more gelatinous matter around the core and skins of all fruit than in any other part.
The skins of peaches, with a few pits added, boiled in as little water as possible, strained and make up with sugar, pint for pound, yield a most delicious red jelly.
A delightful jelly may even be made of apple skins and cores, though it is improved in flavor and jellys more easily if a small quantity of the cores and skins of quinces are added to it. A very excellent jelly is made of grape skins and quince skins in about equal quantities.